Entries by Admin


A stunning island with its colors, flavors, scents. I had the honor to participate in this marriage but mostly to stay in Favignana a few days to enjoy the colors of the sunset sky of this beautiful land. Days very unique, moved on to explore the place and be in the company of the couple and their families. Thus creating a small reportage of both the marriage but also of the previous days, the dinners and the whole landscape of Favignana. James and Karly have chosen the location of your wedding, the tonnara island, Favignana. An exclusive event, the first marriage celebrated in the former factory Florio. On the door of the establishment, above the coat-of-arms of Florio, there is an inscription: “The industry dominates the force” and thanks to this sentence is immediately clear to the industrial context in which these sites belong. Under this written, once passed more